Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is Love?

I am writing this because it seems this is a question that is still being asked by others, even though they don't really know they are asking it.  Defining love is not something that is easy to do, but describing what it is not is much easier to do.

Once when walking in the park with my first dog Freedom a man was sitting on a bench asking his small white dog to come to him.  His commands to the little dog were getting louder and more insistent and the little dog was more and more hesitant to obey....crouching low on the ground, slowly moving forward.  He wanted to please his owner, but the tone of the owners voice was clearly one in which he was not pleased.

Eventually the dog got close enough for the owner to grab him and then he started hitting him.  I yelled - anger and outrage were my obvious response - but in walking away I had to ask myself, why come closer when all you are going to do is get hit?

In my human relationships something similar has happened.  I haven't been hit, but I have been asked to offer my friendship and love, but as I try and get closer I get hit - mostly with judgment and criticism, but it feels like an emotional slap all the same.

This is something we humans just don't seem to get - I'm as guilty as the rest.  So what is love?  Surely it can't hurt because I think that defies the entire purpose of what love it!  But why try and get close to that which only wants to change you, judge you, and point out what is wrong with you?

Ironically, those who have tried to tell me I push away love are the same people who are doing the pushing.  They say they want closeness, but yet what they give doesn't feel very good when you do get close - is it really any surprise I want to stay away from that?

I'm adding this link to a video of just pictures of dogs and people.  But if you watch it, pay attention to how your FEEL seeing the images.  It doesn't feel like judgment, it feels like what love is supposed to be, a safe place to lay your head down.

They video is here:

Humans have a lot to learn about what love and relationship is really all about.  We need to focus less on the form and getting others to do what we think they need to do and more on just accepting the other as they are - no strings attached.

The Universe and its Creator only respond to what the truth of our intention and vibration is - whether we are focused on a person, a plant, an animal, or a piece of art.  And the big secret as TRUTH is there are not different kinds of love, there is only love and not love.  You get to choose.  I know I have.

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