Saturday, January 21, 2012

How Can Art Change the World?

It's a new day and a beautiful one at that!  I wanted to share the rock art I found yesterday and see if the person had added to my message yesterday!  It didn't look like anything new was put on the ground, but the message that I wanted to share is still there!

Where I am living right now is filled with artists and healers.  Most have their creative expressions displayed in workshops, studio's and storefronts.  But the tourist traffic here is tiny and while I don't know the specifics, business is not what it could be from days gone past.

But one of the thoughts that has come to me here is that while art sold commercially to just look at may be losing its market, the idea of creativity and beauty could not be more needed or necessary in our world today!

Creativity and beauty and personal expression has been lost in our everyday lives.  Most of what we buy is no longer hand crafted with love and skill but manufactured in pieces by many living in poverty and slavery to produce it for the industrial world.

As I went to go look this morning to see if there had been any changes in the art on the ground, it also came to me that art is a form of communication - not just from the artist to the one looking or listening - but as a way of interacting.  You start, I add, the next person keeps it going.  What the outcome is not as important as the experience - and that is what life really is, one moment to be experienced at a time.

Not rocket science, but just a thought inspired by rocks on my morning walk!  Have your self a great weekend and see you soon!  This Sunday I'm headed south to a equine therapy center - very excited to show your more soon!


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