Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday's To Do's

           Well, I thought yesterday was windy!!!  So far the weather has been my constant frustration.  Snow, wind, rain, fog, drizzle, and more have kept me from my now imminent tasks of getting moved out and on.  The calendar, bank, and reality however, have not taken any time off.  Time is ticking and regardless of the weather, deadlines are looming.

            For those who understand that deadlines are essential for real progress, this isn't the end of the world.  But there comes a moment when the pressure of the deadline than isn't enough when there is more to do than time to do it.

            I feel like I am here.  So, as I awoke at 3:00 am this morning overwhelmed with how much there is to do and so little time to do it in, I waited to rise and begin.  But in the waiting I also found some peace, again.

            This entire process of deconstructing my old life to begin a new life has been like the proverbial see saw….up and down, back and forth.  But what has been different in this journey than many of the others is that instead of giving in to the fear, I'm choosing to find my way out.  And, (here's the main point), I am.  Fear is not helpful or productive, so why give it my time, energy, and focus?  Sounds logical, but it is actually harder than it seems it should be!

            So, while the weather is doing nothing to assist my in meeting my looming deadline, it is offering me a chance to have more faith in the unseen than in the seen, trust in the timing I can't control more than what I can, and patience with what seems like slow progress but is really just what it is.

            Today's to do list is longer than one human could accomplish in any given day.  But I'm up early and ready to begin.  So the question I'll send back at you is what can you choose to do without the fear it will get done?

            Fear contracts and makes less - including our time, energy, and focus.  Fear may serve to start the fire burning, but moving forward is what will keep the flame alive - not staring at it wishing you had more time or wishing it was already done.


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