I've been struggling with how to balance living by the legal law of the state and still feeling like I'm practicing what I believe is the application of Universal Law. It wasn't until this morning that I made sense of the pit of frustration and anger in my stomach that I haven't been able to let go of regarding the rules which I am legally bound to live by in my country, my state, my county, and my body.
When I had asked for guidance on this I was told to let it go and it would come when it was ready. Of course the answer didn't appear right then and there - but no big surprise that my ego's wish wasn't immediately granted by my spirit! But it did come this morning and it was so obvious I was struck yet again how we can't see what is clear when we've tried to decide for ourselves before we are willing to be told.
The answer didn't come with the question, it just showed up on its own. Then I linked it back to my previous concerns regarding how do I live in integrity in this world. And the obvious answer? My feelings of frustration and agitation with human law was coming in response to its conflicting with Universal or Spiritual Law and the fact I was afraid to honor my truth over another human being's version.
To not kill another person doesn't need to be a law in the realm of this Universe. The reason is if you do kill someone, you must accept the consequences. In the world of human, we have legalized some forms of killing and criminalized others. We have created the lie that we can kill legally and not be held accountable to any consequences, human or divine.
The conflict comes to us internally when we try and rationalize that human law is more powerful than divine or Universal Law. My ego/self will try and convince me this is okay to believe, but my spirit won't let me rest until I acknowledge that this can never be real in the Universal Truth that all life, not just human must live by.
Killing may be a more obvious point to discuss, but what about more nebulous issues like paying taxes? Marriage? Debt? Having Children? How do we distinguish what is Universal Law vs. Human Law in the areas that are not as concrete to our sensibilities as murder may be.
What if I am okay with paying local taxes to support my community, but opposed to federal taxes that support a war and other nefarious dealings that lead to things like murder, theft, arson, slavery and more? Am I complicit in these acts if I support them with my tax dollars? Am I now going to be at the receiving end of the consequences because I chose to support these decisions with my dollars? Can I claim "innocent bystander" because I was following the rules dictated to me by my government, even if I was the one who voted that said government in?
These are the types of questions that cause me to feel agitated, frustrated, helpless, angry and ready to blame and point fingers at the many "others" who may or may not have put me in this position of conflict. But Universal Law tells me to judge, condemn, criticize, blame or even acknowledge that anyone or anything I don't like is its invitation into my life and my experience. But do I just look away and pretend these things aren't happening? Isn't that how we all got here in the first place?
What seemed clear this morning that hasn't been up until today is that no, I can't pretend what's happening isn't happening in this country and this world. But what I can do is to be willing to live with the consequences of my decisions, both in this lifetime and any that follow. I would rather try and live by decisions that bring me peace and are in alignment with my integrity than to deny these feelings of anger, helplessness and sometimes rage at what is being done in the name of "God" or peace or righteousness by self-decree.
Every interaction we have is a relationship. We are in relationship with each other, with our governments, our country, our businesses and the earth around us. If a person was taking my money based on a false agreement, human law would tell me I could stop payment. If a corporation or governmental agency or its representative is taking my money based on a false agreement, human law dictates I must remain in that relationship until I am either dead, declared by court free to go (more money to a different arm of the same beast) or I go to jail.
But what does Universal Law state? It is based on a single and consistent principle. Human law is based on who has the money and the power to change the rules to fit their needs even when they don't fit mine. Universal Law states I am free to stay in relationship with a criminal, but if I do, I must accept the consequences. Human law says I am not free to leave a relationship with criminal, but if I do, I must accept the consequences.
My conflict isn't with the Universe, it's with the humanity that I am trying to find a way to live with and still be in alignment with my divinity, my truth and my consequences. As long as I am conflicted within, I will experience that conflict without. As long as I am afraid of the external consequences of my decisions in this world, my internal world will be filled with depression and pain and illness.
Universal Law has given me the Free Will to choose my consequences. Human law has attempted to control my consequences through fear so that I can be herded down a path that may not be in alignment with my own values and integrity. So, which do I value more? My relationship with the Universe or God or Source or Creator? Or my relationship with this world. Do I choose that which is eternal or that which is temporary? Do I have courage or am I meek and afraid?
This world is filled with complex laws and questions, but what is true in this Universe is a very simple answer. Complexity confuses us and leads us astray. Simplicity guides us clearly and efficiently to where we want to go. The simple choice this Universe asks is which do you want to give and receive? Love or the opposite of Love? We can't give war, hate, murder, theft and slavery and then expect to receive a loving and peaceful life experience, much less an entire world.
Free will states you get to decide for your Self, but that's the thing - just for you...your free will doesn't get to decide for my free will....no matter how much money, power or imagination you possess.
Today I made my decision. When will you make yours?
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