Yesterday I wrote about being inconsistent, but today I want to write about being consistent when you get committed. Like so many these last years, I've watched the life and world I knew fall apart, despite my best "thought" efforts to create what I had thought at the time I wanted. I know this is all part of the process on Earth - the old must crumble to make way for the new, but it can be really hard to sit around feeling like you can't make any progress because whatever is next isn't here yet!
I've had ideas brewing for years, but nothing ever held and I could not seem to commit to anything 100%. If I thought I had, well it didn't take long to get distracted or removed from that track and moved onto another one. Moving along this path has not been straight and direct as I would have thought it "should" be!!!
But this morning, I had a new feeling and it felt really clear and focused. I've had this feeling before and when I have had it in the past, well I'll move those mountains because I've finally committed myself to my "cause" as Cause. Before I share all of it, I need to sit with it a few days and make sure it wasn't the coffee or lack of sleep! But if it's the idea and dream I think it is, well, hold on world because it's time for the next phase to kick in!
Like so many I talk to, I've felt the restless energy moving, wanting what ever is next to show up. Be it the dollar crashing or the war starting or somehow the world returning to some new form of normal.....but nothing out there seems to be changing with any great speed. It's been a slow death with out any sign of which way it's going. It's hard to know which way to turn or what to commit to or invest it. Will the place I move to be there a year from now? Will money I earn be worth anything next month? So much uncertainty is a huge contributer to these feelings of not being able to be consistent. How do you commit when you can't count on anything???
For now, I'm just asking the questions, but soon I hope to be writing about the answers and ideas I think are finally ready to stop percolating and agree to be poured into my cup...and if I'm on track, let my cup runneth over!!!!
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