Monday, July 26, 2010

Does Time Really Fly?

I don't know if you have noticed, but time just keeps moving faster and faster.  I know they say as you get older, it will feel like it's moving more quickly.  Remember when the school year dragged forever and the summer flew by so quickly?

If you look at prophecy, the years between 1987-2012 are meant to move at an ever increasing speed.  At this point I don't think I can deny it.  I seem to blink and and BAM, weeks turn to months and the only thing that seems to have been accomplished is my weeds are taller!  I know technically time can't fly, but it sure can FEEL like it does!

Indigenous people didn't have clocks, so they used cycles and seasons to measure time.  It didn't matter how old you were within that cycle, just what set of tasks were meant to be accomplished.  If you didn't gather food when it was ripe, you went hungry when the plants were withered.  It wouldn't take too many cycles of time to figure out if you didn't do the task attached to that cycle, you'd be at the effects during the next season.

As I find my self feeling the intensity of time seeming to close in on me, I find myself pushing against it even more adamantly.  But if you understand Universal Law you know that what you push against you just make more problems for your self.  Is my pushing against the speed of time the reason it feels like it is moving away from me?  I have to say, when I sat to write this I didn't think of that, it just showed up as I was typing, but it makes a lot of sense!

As always, it comes back to control....have you ever asked yourself just how LONG it takes to learn certain lessons!!!  Time is not something we will ever be able to control, but how many of us keep trying?  My intuition says stop fighting it and find your center within each moment.  As I talked about yesterday, I don't like abstract ideas - I much prefer specific solutions or concepts.  But if I further define what my pushing is, I can find the specifics I seek.  To begin with, how about not making the "to do" list wildly unrealistic so that it just highlights how much I am not doing in the amount of time I set aside to do it in?

The Course of Miracles states that one of the purpose's of time is to teach us what we need to learn within it so we will then no longer need it.  That only helps a little.  I find for myself that time as measured against what I need from it is really just me focusing on what I am afraid will happen if it fly's by too quickly.  Fear of what will be keeps me from finding peace where I am now.  Add in a little lack of faith and you've got the perfect formula for watching time move faster than you can control what you believe should be happening within any given moment.

Okay, deep breath.  Time flying by would be a lot more fun if I could ride on its back like Jake Sully does in Avatar on his dragon like partner - especially the big guy!


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