Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bye Bye Buckhorn!

             A few nights ago winds hit my trailer with such force that I thought I might be joining Dorothy in OZ!  My door (locked door) blew open, dust was everywhere, and the rattling and rolling really freaked me out!  But, just about the time I thought I might need to grab the cats and head for a more stable setting - things calmed down, the rain came, and the worst was over.

            That moment of decision - do I stay or go - is one that shows itself in more ways than we can count throughout our lives.  Should I stay in Buckhorn or move on to somewhere new?  Should I stay at my job or risk something I can't see yet?  Should I stay in my relationship or just let it go?

            This isn't the part where I give advice on what to do - but it is where I point out that doing nothing is a choice in itself.  I could stay in the trailer or I could run, but either way one is a choice and one is not a choice - both have consequences.  The lesson is I am not a victim of either, only I am the determiner of my life and it is here that all my power lies.

            Now, had my trailer taken flight it is safe to say I would have regretted my decision at the time to not run away!  But, who am I to say that the loss of my trailer would not have unfolded into another path with even greater rewards?

            My original idea for this blog was to talk about risks in reaching out to the unknown, walking paths unchartered, and wandering into places unplanned.  As anyone following this - okay, just me - but the reality of my plans so far is that none have gone as planned!  But, the one thing they all have in common is that each choice, decision, and direction I've gone in has yielded to me what I needed, wanted, or was delightfully surprised by.

            My faith in the path either chosen or not has shown me that life will meet me wherever I am, whenever I am ready.  I was so determined to get out of California, but now that I have I don't feel that same push to run forward, but am rather finding myself excited to see what is next!

            This journey has been frightening at times, but also surprising in ways I could never have imagined.  Even though there are things that are now behind me that I would have chosen to stay with me, I can't help but feel this excitement that what lies ahead will only get better and better.

            In a time when others are focusing on the crumbling of the old world, I can't help but smile because in my version of life, the new world is getting brighter and more beautiful every day.  Are there scary times that are dark?  Yes, two nights ago was just that!  But as the sun is now trying to find its way out from behind the clouds these last few days, I also feel the light within me increasing in its strength as I plan my next adventure -  or rather stay available for the adventure life is planning for me!

            I am sad to leave this place.  The people here are amazing, the community is warm and welcoming, and the landscape stunning.  But I also feel the call to keep moving.  That my purpose is still in motion.  That it is time for more to reveal itself as the New World continues to break through for me more and more each day.

            I am so appreciative of everyone here and all that the people in this community have shared with me.  I don't know if I will be back, but I trust that I will be welcome and for that I am truly grateful.

            We've all heard that without risk there is no reward, but as you begin to understand your part in how we create the risks and rewards in our own life, what is there to risk really?  Buckhorn was not a risk, it was a choice to not choose in that moment and from that non-choice I have yielded great rewards. 

            The New World, just as in the old world, requires that we own which ever choice we make and then step back to let the laws of this Universe unfold what is the highest version of good that we will allow in - be it painful or joyful, that is up to us.

            It's time to say good-bye to Buckhorn, but only in my body and not in my heart and spirit.  Each person we meet we will carry with us unto eternity - for there is no loss in the New World, just a different place to park my trailer.

          See you soon as I get to my next location and the story begins again..... 

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