A few days ago someone commented on one of my videos that what I had to say was neither new nor relevant (that part was implied when he said I was just spinning old news to the new version). What got me thinking about that comment was again the idea I've said SOOOO many times that we can only hear what we are ready to hear, be it old or new information.
The truth/TRUTH is that there are no new ideas - the creation of this Universe is both whole and complete. We only have access to the energy of an idea feeling new and it is the energy/thought that is what is real, not the effect the idea will make manifest.
Before I left my mountain home I made it a point to try out my fire starting flint and steel. I watched the videos, it seemed easy enough, but I've gone far enough along this journey to know practice is important while you don't need something, not waiting until you do.
Anyways, I went outside with my magnesium stick to start a fire. Okay, I did exactly what the videos instructed and no, nothing happened. I did it again and then again in a new spot with new magnesium chips, still nothing….this isn't good! But then I remembered someone had said to scrape the paint off first…oh, is this thing painted? Yes. And when I scraped the paint off and then tried to make a spark turn to flame - presto, it worked! In that moment I felt SO happy!!!!
Now, the point isn't that it's good to practice, but rather the excitement I felt creating a successful fire start! People have been starting fires for longer than any of us can count, so on the one hand - big deal right? But what is the new that is really old is that for ME it was a first, it was new, and it created the feeling of joy, success, relief, and the sense of freedom that if the world blows up I can keep warm and start my own fire if my many boxes of matches get wet.
Desire is the spark that lights the fire of creation in this Universe. It is Cause, the fire itself is only an effect and in the end, irrelevant. This is the reversal in our thinking that the Truth is asking us to make…to stop caring about the effects and focus on the Cause - our desire to learn, create, love, give, share, experience, etc.
I don't know what his intention was by his comment, but I am assuming he wanted to have me respond by feeling bad, shamed, worthless - sorry, but I don't operate that way. Rather, it is my choice how I want to feel by his comment because I am the Cause of my life, not what he thinks or says. Sadly, it is only he that will experience the effects of his own Cause - sharing judgment and negativity - not me.
No, this journey I am on is neither new nor revolutionary in its effects- but what it is, is my journey to find my own freedom, joy, simplicity, and way of life that makes me happy so that the world I create around me will reflect this as Cause.
This is how we build the new world, not by judging the old world for all its wrongs and limitations and failings, but rather by desiring what we do want and for me that is love, truth, joy, and freedom - which I have just a bit more of now that I can start a fire in one more way on my own.
Here's how it it is done link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFaq-J-j5DQ