Friday, March 30, 2012

What do you fear?

Freedom comes in the moments you face your fears!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What are you thinking right now?

Our mind reflects what we think to the world, like a lake reflects the sky - to have love and freedom,think it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Roses Anyone?

Words are not needed to know beauty, freedom, and love.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Why judgment never helps?

Judgment of others is prison for your self.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Freedom for you?

Do you know this type of freedom in your life?

Why not?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Love unshared, isn't Love.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How important is freedom to you?

Have you ever asked yourself this question?  As our freedom's are now quickly being taken away by our government, soon it will be too late to ask because there will be none left to have.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Where is your beauty?

Beauty radiates Love and Freedom, today seek beauty in your world.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Where is your rainbow bridge?

The beauty of a rainbow lies in the rainbow itself, not where it begins or ends.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Have You Learned Anything New Today?

What have you learned that is new today?  Expanding our minds beyond what we think we know is true Freedom.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Freedom can only be received when it is given.

A jailer is as imprisoned as his inmate.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Reminds You of Peace?

Every day we need to find things that remind us of Peace if we want to have peace...
you can't give what you don't have.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

When is enough, enough?

Yesterday I was having an off day - girl related reasons if you get my drift.  Anyways, a small group of the lonely, single guys across the street were yet again gathered around the beer cans sunning themselves and this time as I had to walk by I didn't respond as favorably to their naked related comments like I normally do.

These few tend to make naked related comments every time I walk by - not just about me, but women in general.  My usual comebacks are sarcastic and made to just go along.  But there seems to be a theme developing - not just with the lonely, single guys, but with everyone I am meeting these days that is reflecting this idea that I don't know if I feel like going along anymore.

I've just finished writing a few emails that were a bit too honest most likely with very nice people - but with whom my relationships with are all about just going along and not about me being my authentic self.  The trouble I find is when I'm authentic I don't get along with almost anyone - so I've adapted to just doing what makes others happy....

That is until I am having an off day and stop - which is when all the problems seem to start.

As I wrote similar emails and am now writing this along the same theme - maybe the lesson I need to get is that it is okay to not just go along.  I'm not talking about saying things that hurt others intentionally - but rather to stop allowing myself be the one who gets hurt at the expense of another keeping their ego and illusion in check.

While I'm still learning how to not teach and preach (and no I'm not there yet!), I also am still trying to learn how to be authentic with my own life.  Harder than it should be really.

I heard a great quote from Ghandi the other day and while I don't remember the entire thing the gist was to stay with your own truth, even if you are the only one who hears it.  I'd like to add that I get that my truth is my own and I get that I don't need anyone else to agree with me.  What I want to really get is I also don't need live smaller so others can feel bigger.

Maybe enough is finally enough - time will tell.  We'll see how I do when I have to walk past the group of single, lonely guys later today....rumor has it they got pretty viscous yesterday after I left, ugh - just another reason I've had enough!